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Sede Central
Calle Velázquez, 157
28002 Madrid
+34 915 245 816

with Quality
and Environment.

we consider the quality system
as a source of present
and future profitability.

JVVA Quality

JVVA is committed to meeting the requirements associated with the service and established by the reference standards, those of the client, the legal and regulatory and other requirements that the organization subscribes, maintaining the quality of the service and at a competitive price.

Each employee contributes with the quality and self-responsibility in their work in order to achieve customer satisfaction.

The planning and execution of the service or the innovation of technologies, in addition to the economic ones, those of quality and environmental impact will always be taken into account as a fundamental part of JVVA’s business strategy.

We consider the quality system as a source of present and future profitability.

Each employee, at the level of their responsibilities, in the face of problems must look for the causes and take actions to eliminate them, and serve as a source of information for effective feedback on the system, including the study of availability, improvement actions, as well as the request for those necessary means and corresponding training.

We must be aware of our role in society to which we must provide benefits as a result of our consulting activity, from a social, economic and environmental perspective, meeting the expectations of our sector.

The measurement of quality is established through the achievement of the objectives established in each year based on the past and anticipating future needs and requirements and having as the final objective the continuous improvement of the quality system and environmental management.

We must not forget that achieving the financial results necessary for the continuity of our activity is the responsibility of each and every one of us who make up JVVA.

The continuous self-evaluation and improvement of work, affects personal satisfaction and, therefore, in the achievement of our objectives.

Maximun Value
of the service.

Our Priorities

One of our main challenges is to offer top quality services. That means working on the design, on the correct choice of our know-how, on the projects and reports that we offer to the client.

JVVA’s quality policy is to provide its Fire Safety engineering consulting services, without accepting any commitment that may affect the quality of said service. The primary objective is to satisfy expectations as much as possible. Quality assurance is achieved by strictly observing the guidelines contained in ISO 9001: 2015. The documented information necessary for quality is also completed with the quality procedures and instructions that are part of the JVVA QMS.

The quality guarantee includes all the activities that constitute the consulting service offered by JVVA, from the receipt of the request for the preparation of the offer to the issuance of the relevant technical reports, through the relationships with our clients that are characterized for cooperation and open communication.


JVVA’s activities are aimed at meeting the requirements of its clients, taking into account respect for the environment.
In order to comply with the Environmental Policy set forth below, an Environmental Management System has been developed, from which the Environmental Objectives are derived.


Information to all employees of the parts of the system that are applicable to them and of the environmental aspects and legislation that affect them. This information will be extended to the Company’s own personnel.


Compliance with applicable legal requirements or signed by the Company.

Energy and Water

All our own staff are made aware of the rational use of energy and water.


A company is subcontracted that is in charge of controlling the toner and controlling the consumption of paper.

Continuous improvement

Environmental activities must be focused on continuous improvement and protection of the environment, considering the reduction of paper, electricity and water consumption.

with the environment.

Our priorities

The challenge of the planet’s limited resources and climate change require participation from the JVVA. That is why we apply measures to reduce our impact. Our main asset is the environment.

The organization is committed to improving the environmental performance of its Fire Safety consulting activities through an Environmental Management System, to improve environmental management, in accordance with legal obligations and in compliance with ISO 14001: 2015. Environmental policy is to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve a frame of reference in order to manage environmental responsibilities.

The impact to be reduced is the consumption of paper that is generated in the company. For this reason, an EMS has been developed as a tool, which has to be known, understood and used by all members of the company. To offer an environmental management system, all of us who are part of JVVA are important and necessary.