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Calle Velázquez, 157
28002 Madrid
+34 915 245 816

We believe
in Science
We investigate and disclose it.

The JVVA Structural’s members have been committed with academia for more than 23 years collaborating as Visiting Lecturers and Speakers in different Faculties of Engineering and Architecture. We do usually participate as Scientific and Organization Committee Team members in different international Conferences and Symposiums. Our active presence and commitment in professional associations reinforce our culture for the promotion of knowledge as the basis of professional development. It is worth mentioning:

  • Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid (COIIM)  Vocal Member on Building, Urbanism and Industrial Projects Commission.
  • International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE). Member of the Executive board for IABSE Spanish group.

Participation in Congresses and Conferences.

  • “Structural engineering, a composite Mind”. Conference & Workshop University of assumption, School of Architecture, Thailand.2018
  • ”Diseño Conceptual en Proyectos Industriales”, Civil Engineering Faculty Polytechnic University of Madrid.2018.
  • ”From Concept to Evidence”, Conference & Workshop. Industrial Eng. Faculty University of Cantabria.2017.
  • Scientific and Organization Committee for Madrid IABSE International “Workshop On Bridge Design”: November 2018 | December 2017 | 18th and 19th November. 2016
  • |23rd and 30th October. 2015 Scientific and Organization Committee for Madrid IABSE International Symposium “Engineering for Progress, Nature and People”. September 2014.
  • ”Experiences in Industrial Architecture & Construction, Industrial Eng. Faculty University of Cantabria.2014.
  • Speaker in the International Congress, called Fire Safety in Tall Buildings with the Paper whose title is “Structural Fire Safety Engineering of High Rise Buildings” University of Cantabria, 2006.
  • Organizing Committee International Congress called, “Fire Safety in Terrestrial Passenger Transportation” organized by GIDAI,University of Cantabria, Santander October the 20th, 2005.
  • ”Computational Simulation Models in Fire Engineering and Research” organized by GIDAI, University of Cantabria, Santander October the 20th, 2004.

Review for.